Sunday, 22 April 2012

My desk and I (plus a cheeky award)

Sorry I've been totally off the map recently, I'm about to begin my finals and so life has been a little manic! I've been glued to my desk (and will be for a little while yet) and so as sad as it makes me, I've had to put blogging on the back burner for a little while. Yes, I will hold my hands up and admit I totally failed at the photo a day challenge, helped least of all by the disappearance of my camera. Sorry! I cannot WAIT to get back to you all when this stress is done with though!

Most definitely not my desk (drool)
It's still great to know you guys are out there though and I had a lovely surprise when Kirsty from Teacups and Treats let me know she'd nominated me for a 'Versatile Blogger' award - my first ever award! I don't have time to do a full post on it at the moment, but Kirsty nominated some other great blogs as well if you fancy a new read. Thank you Kirsty!

Well it's time to get back to work, but I hope you're all well!

Sarah x