Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Looking Forward, Looking Back #2

Well it is definitely time for another one of these! I've been having a bit of a rubbish time lately, so time to refocus I think!

Looking Forward
I had a cheeky little ASOS shop and so am super excited to try on my new purchases once they arrive! It's not just parcels, I love receiving pretty much anything in the post, so also did a little search for some free sample, so I have some of the new Bailey's Biscotti Flavour heading my way too - a little random, but if it's free then why ever not?!

Looking Back
Looking back is kind of hard, since I must admit I've been having a pretty darn tough time recently, but in the spirit of Looking Forward, Looking Back, I accept that there is always stuff to be thankful for! One of my best friends has really taken me under her wing and done everything possible to cheer me up - I even arrived home to find she had baked me a cake yesterday! That girl is an absolute sweetie and I love her to bits, so looking back I am super duper thankful for her.


Sarah x

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Shh, it's a secret...

One of my favourite time-wasting things to do is faffing about on Stumble Upon. It usually produces a lot of rubbish, but yesterday I came across this video. It's about the Post Secret phenomenon, in which one man asked people to send in their secrets on a postcard. In this video, the same principle is applied, but this time it isn't'd be surprised how honest some people are!

PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death and God from Frank Warren on Vimeo.

My favourite part is the couple telling each other a secret.

Sarah x